Top Ten mistakes made by New Poker Players
Anyone new to the game of poker will make many mistakes. Inexperience always leads to mistakes but following some simply rules to play by will help you reduce those mistakes and limit your losses as you gain valuable experience playing. Based on that you will find below you will find the top 10 mistakes most new player make and some advice on how to avoid them.
1) Don’t rush to get in on a hand and post the blinds! By waiting for the blinds to get to you it gives you some time to watch the other players at the table and try to learn a few things about their style of play. Also rushing to pay the blinds means possible money out of your pocket if you lose the hand. It may not be much but overtime it does add up.
2) Understand the basics before you play! Take time to learn the basics of any version of poker you are considering to play before you begin to play for real money. The mindset that you will learn as you go can cost you a lot of money and is a poor way to gain experience. Knowledge is paramount to success in poker.
3) Have Patience! If you play impatiently you will lose – it is really that simple! You will fail to consider all the possible cards or hands that can beat you, you will not pick up on the smaller bits of information available to you and overall you will not see positive results.
4) Be in control of emotions! When playing poker it is easy to get caught up in your own emotions. Maybe you think you are golden or felt that you should have won a previous hand and are angry over loosing. Learn to control these emotions, ignore them and focus on the game instead. This will help you make sound decisions.
5) Learn Self Control! It is easy to look at your hole cards and get excited thinking you have the best hand and can’t lose. Just because you have pocket aces does not mean you are a sure win. Learn to play with self-control or you potentially will give away your hands to others considering acting aggressively in a hand. The result could cost you value chips from your bankroll.
6) Manage your Bankroll! This is always important for any poker player. Just because you may have gained some over your initial starting bankroll does not mean you should move up a level and risk more of your bankroll. Set limits to what you will risk and stand by them!
7) Don’t take the game personally! It is real easy to take the game to a personal level. Maybe one player at the table continually beats you and you are focuses on revenge. This will always result in a negative result over the long haul, you’ll make additional mistake and fail to focus on playing properly.
8) Try not to get too eager to act! Remember, you may be facing 8 other players at the table. Your actions are evaluated by each of them, they will act based on how you may act so take your time, slow down, think and don’t act too fast!